This is my adorable niece Brydee (Brittany's daughter) she is 2 years old. She was a flower girl for a friends wedding this summer. She did so well, it was her and another boy that walked down the isle together the boy being the ring bearer. She had been practicing and we had been talking to her about it for weeks prepping her for the big day. We didn't want her to freeze up in front of everyone when the time actually came for her to have her big debut. She loved her dress and her real flowers she got to wear in her hair. She loves to look pretty and she sat still while I did her hair in hot curlers. She did really well. and it turned out beautiful! She had her little umbrella on one arm full or petals and her other arm free so she could throw the flowers with her other hand. It was adorable! She kind of froze up a little when she fell flat on her face because she tripped on her dress which was a little bit too long. She was fine got right back up and continued down the isle. The wedding was beautiful it was out side on the grass at the Entrada Golf Course. With the lunch-in and reception at the club house. It was really beautiful. Brydee did great and didn't she look beautiful too!