This is what someone commented on my blog today..
Anonymous said...
Wow. Do you have any idea how many people would give everything to be in your shoes? I am amazed that you find the miracle you have received to be such a burden. I understand that it is physically uncomfortable, but for heaven's sake, take a step back and think about what you are saying!
9/23/2008 11:29 AM
Wow. Do you have any idea how many people would give everything to be in your shoes? I am amazed that you find the miracle you have received to be such a burden. I understand that it is physically uncomfortable, but for heaven's sake, take a step back and think about what you are saying!
9/23/2008 11:29 AM
I personally believe this person was mad, hurt even. They themselves are probably in a situation that they are not happy with. And personally I don't blame her (I am assuming it's a her) in fact I have been her. I've felt her pain. I also think this person would not leave this comment on my blog if they actually knew me?? Seriously how can you read a post about someone and think automatically that you know what they are thinking and feeling on a daily basis? Obviously people shouldn't jump to conclusions! This person obviously doesn't know that every night when I go to bed and say my prayers that I thank my Father in Heaven SO much for the opportunity I have been given to get pregnant and start my family! This pregnancy didn't come easy, and this anonymous commenter obviously didn't know that. Brandon and I tried for a year. I know people try for a lot longer then that but a year to me was an eternity. I can't tell you how many times I would cry myself to sleep, and pray so hard for this very "miracle" that I am complaining about. Just because I am complaining, (which I think I have my right to do on my own blog, it is my very own "out" so my husband can share the burden!) doesn't mean that I wouldn't do this again in a second, doesn't mean I have any regrets, doesn't mean that I am not so incredibly grateful for this pregnancy!
I don't think yo
u will find two people more excited to have their baby join their family then Brandon and I. Brandon and I have wanted this for a long time and we are so ready to become parents! We are so not naive to the fact that it is going to be the hardest thing we have ever done, we are ready for the sleepless nights and the dirty diapers and the things that people say you have to sacrifice, they aren't going to be so hard for us to give up. We are READY for that transition in our lives. We are ready to trade in our late nights with friends to early bed times and middle of the night feedings! Who actually gets excited about that? Well we are!
My point is simply this, I am sorry to the person that left that comment on my blog, you do not know who I am, you do not know the desires of my heart or the sacrifices that I would have given to get pregnant. I would have given anything as well. I would have been one of those people you were talking about in your comment. I am so excited to be given this blessing in my life! When I was trying to get pregnant I knew what I was getting my self into, my sisters and my mom have just as hard pregnancies as I do, and I still wanted it more then anything! Just relax and let a pregnant women vent a little. That's all for now, I am done. :)