Life has slowed down a little bit, it's still busy don't get me wrong it just isn't crazy like it was around the holidays and such. We have been enjoying more days of just playing and enjoying each other. I love days where we don't even get dressed and we, play linking logs, Lego's, animals, cars, trucks, farm house, turn on the radio and dance, and read lots and lots of books. Those are the best days. The boys love when its a low key day and we get to just hang out. William is SUCH a boy and loves motorcycles, trucks, and sports. He loves to play catch, and kick the ball back and forth, and hit the baseball. I'll pitch him the ball and have him hit it. and then he will want to pitch me the ball and I will hit it. He will always tell me, "get in your stance momma" (because that's what we always tell him) and I will. He will pitch it to me and when I hit it he says good hit mommy. haha... so encouraging.
The following are some random pictures of my children.
Auntie Bugaboo pitching William the baseball.
My funny little do-dis. I know his eyes disappear when he laughs or smiles big. :)
This is the smile I get every time I ask William to give me a smile for the camera. A total cheese. He will not give me a normal smile. Sometimes he smiles so big it looks painful! haha!