This post has been sitting in my "drafts folder" for MONTHS! haha, thought I would finally post it! :)
This is what our kitchen looked like when we moved in... we had high hopes to paint and redo and update a bunch of stuff... well I was also pregnant at the time. which equals sick and nauseous. and we also had a million other projects on my to-do list, and it sat like this for 8 months or so. We finally got around to doing our cabinents and the lighting. Thanks to two of my brother inlaws for helping out big time!! :)
I am NOT very good at getting pictures of my projects! I am always covered in paint, or too busy to think about stoping and getting a picture before I dive in and start changing things! I have been trying to get better but I still forget! I wish I would have taken more pictures, but here we go...
we started painting and painting the bones of the cabinents we have a lot of ends, there for making it more work. the sides, the tops, the front of the bar...
Dean came over with his sprayer and sprayed all the fronts of the doors and drawers way fast! I need to get me one of those! dont mind my messy backyard, the weeds, and the patchy grass! :) it's on the list!
I swear it isn't fare that Brandon is in most of the pictures becuase I do most of the work! and there is no evidence of it! He'll jump in for a second and thats when I take a picture! haha!
Dean cleaning up after he was done, I told him I forgot to get a picture so he indulged me and posed for the camera, so natural don't you think.
This is one side of the kitchen all painted... before hardware was put on....

other side.. so much better

the nobs, love them
the handals on all the drawers
Then a few weeks after we painted we finally got around to taking that eye sore of a light down! (scroll to the top pictures if you don't remember it!)
This is my other brother in law Cameron, he put in the cans for us. SO HANDY! thanks cam! all you have to do is watch all 4 of his children for him for a day and bam! he comes over and busts out a kitchen in a couple short hours!
cameron wired for the pendants and put the boxes up, and later that day brandon and I bought and brought home the pendants and brandon put them up. Who knew he could do that right?! haha... it only took him an hour to do the first one, and then he had it down, the second one took him 15 minutes, and the last one from opening the box to light bulb in and on was only 10 minutes! hes a pro now. haha and I can't tell you how many times in a day or in a week he walks into the kitchen and says "wow look at thoes lights don't they look great." haha, he was pretty proud of his work.
yea I took these pictures a little prematurely (still have the tape on the floor!) this is the desk in the kitchen.
Then came the wall PAINT!
the cabinent accessories....
next the refinishing of my kitchen table, chairs and bar stools...
and see that mirror on the side of this pic with the chairs, same mirror that's now white hanging on my brown wall next to the table, in the nook.
I also painted the back door leading out to the back yard...
(You would think I would have vacuumed before I took these pics right!?)
I am still in the process of putting up things on the walls, making curtains, and little details, anyway, this post has been sitting in my drafts for months now so I finally thought id post it!! SO much better right!?