Friday, June 27

The Results

OK... I now have to apologize to me little baby because I have been calling him a her for the past two weeks or so. I was TOTALLY wrong. I hate that I was wrong. But we are totally going to have a little boy. A Son. It's kinda cute when I say "son" for some reason? We are really excited though! I kinda have to change my thought process a little because I totally thought we were having a girl. Even after the ultra sound I kept thinking no he was wrong. I kept having Brandon show me again on the picture where his penis was! now I have to deal with a penis. Eeww. Don't get me wrong I am totally excited. My son will be the biggest pimp daddy ever. I went out last night and got a couple "Boy things". I thought I would let you all know our progress, and our news!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations again you two!! He will have so much fun with all of his boy cousins. Do you realize that is what everyone has had last? Chelsea, Jennette, Me, Brittany and Tiffany? It will so fun to get them all together! Love you!

Heather Stott said...

This is Heather's husband Brandon. I told her to not get her hopes up and now she will have to deal with two penises. ewwww. Well I'm excited anyway. love you babe!!

Jill Duncan said...

Your post (and your husbands comment) has me cracking up! Congratulations on your little boy though, that is SO exciting!

~..kass..~ said...

Hey little boys are SO fun!!! I loved having Kenton first. CONGRATS!!!


yay thats so fun!! congrats

Tara Wayne Malakai Maddux Kenya Alofipo said...

yay for boys!!!! I love having my boys first, they are the protecters for their future brothers and sisters!! Hope you are feeling good.

cami said...

yay for boys!!! Congrats.