Thursday, October 9

Will's Closet

OK so my OCD'ness came out a little when I was doing his closet. Everything is sized, labeled and color coded. I am telling you it has been like this for months! I am a little over prepared in this area! I have a ton of clothes thanks to my sisters for all the hammy downs, and the very generous people that came to my showers! THANKS! I also already have a ton of diapers and wipes! I don't know if you can see the ones stacked on the far left of the closet and then on the top shelf in the center! Hopefully I don't have to buy any for a while! :)
Zero to three month's is in orange.
Three to six month's is in yellow.
He has more socks then you can imagine! I kinda went over board with socks I thought you can never have too many socks right? especially for a winter baby? but maybe he can?
Aren't little shoes the cutest things!?
He can spit up on a different burp cloth or bib forever with out using the same one twice! It's kinda ridiculous! But a lot of my burp cloths match my blankets, you gotta use the right burp cloth with the right blanket! HA HA


Brianna said...

Are you serious??? Now I feel pathetically under-prepared! I haven't had a shower yet...maybe after that I will have enough clothes, diapers and wipes. I guess she better not come early. Your little guy on the other hand...looks like all you need now is HIM!

Emily Blais said...

Amen Brianna. I am thinking to myself "should I have a closet in my house that looks like that, because I DONT" You look like you are set though! I love the organization!!

Kevin and Hayres said...
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Kevin and Hayres said...
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Kevin and Hayres said...

And I though I was OC! Waaay cute! (The last 2 comments were mine. I had to delete them because I couldn't get my english straight, hahaha, sorry.)

Jessica said...

Looks like you are set. I should have you come and organize my place next.

Brandon, Camille & Milo said...

WOW I think you are totally ready for having a baby. I need you to come to my house and organize my stuff. I can't believe how much stuff you already have. Hope everything is going good you are almost there!!!

~..kass..~ said...

Thanks for the laugh... you are great :)

Ellie said...

Holy Cow.... JEALOUS!!!

Sam said...

That is so ridiculously adorable, I can't wait to see him!