In month six:
*He wont take his passie (aka pacifier) any more. He has gone through stages before where he wont take it for a while so we thought maybe that's what this was but nope I think it's for good this time. He hasn't taken it for a long time, he will hold it and chew on it but it's more like a toy now.
*He likes to sit and play with his toys now, he can entertain him self for a good amount of time just playing with something like his farm.
*If he wants to get some where he will! He some times tricks us and pretends he is going to crawl with the correct motion of crawling but he isn't that great at it yet. He scoots really well all over the place, he gets up on his hands and knees and then lunges forward. It's been working pretty well for him.
* He can get from a sitting position to a crawling position, and from a crawling position back up to a sitting position, that's always pretty handy to know!
* He is a friendly little guy. He will pretty much go to anyone, smile at them and let them hold him, but just recently he has started reaching for people, it's the sweetest thing when he reaches for you.
*He still LOVES his jumperoo, jumps like a mad man in it!
*He likes when I push him around on this toy, sit him in front of it so he can spin the thing in the back that makes noise, or just sit on it and scoot around. He thinks it will jump like his jumperoo. He thinks he can bounce on everything.
* He just recently has started clapping his hands, its so sweet, If I say "clap hands" he gently claps his hands together. and has the biggest smile on his face like he knows he did it right! He also likes the patty cake song. smiles every time I start singing it.
* He is trying to pull him self up into a standing position onto things. He has only done it against someone laying on the ground, not anything hard yet. but he wants to, and if we stand him up against the ottoman or in his crib or something he loves it. No big surprise there he has always loved to stand.
How cute!! It still amazes me how close William and Eli's developments are, Eli is doing just about all of those things as well!! We need to get them together and do a play date!!
I cant believe how big he is! Time has just flown by!
Next word will have to be Grandma, even though Papa is so much easier.
He does look just like his Dad! Cash quit taking his binky at 6 months-as soon as he had teeth, I guess it didn't feel right or something. Don't you love this age, so cute and fun.
He is getting so big!!! I can't wait to see you guys, I know I say that on every post, but it is true. I love how he smiles in all his pictures, what a cutie!
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