Monday, October 5

11 months

My son turned ELEVEN MONTHS Monday October 5th.

I can hardly believe it, where has the time gone? How did he get so big? When did he get so smart? He kills me with how fast he learns and grows! This last month has been so much fun, well after he broke his top two teeth things were fun. He makes me smile and laugh continuously through out the day. He is so funny. He continues to amaze me and his dad all the time! I love this little guy more and more every day! I am so grateful for his mild temper and his sweet and loving happy spirit! I was truly blessed with this child and know that I probably wont get this lucky again!

In month 10

He waves Hi and Bye all day long, to everything and everybody, even if it's through the phone to a picture in a book or the gardeners doing the lawn out side. it's funny.

He started walking a lot more this past week, he walks down the hall, and from one room to the other. He does really well when he is barefoot, when i put socks or shoes on him he doesn't do as well.

He is talking more and more. He tries to repeat a lot of the things I say. A couple of his more recent words are "mo" for more, and he has said "up" a few times.

We started working on signing, and he has done "more" a few times (even though it's more like clapping?). That's really the only one that he has done, and it's not consistent by any means so we will keep working on it.

He loves his papa, grandma, aunties, and cousins. I will tell him when we are going to visit them where we're going and he gets so excited.

He is a little lover! He gives hugs and kisses to pretty much everyone. He cuddles and hugs, and then pats your back. It's the sweetest thing ever! especially when you aren't expecting it.

He got two more teeth this last month. The top two came in together at the same time, (wasn't the best week!) as soon as they broke through and stopped hurting you were back to your normal happy self! I think it was so bad because it was two at a time. He only has 4 teeth, the top two and the bottom two.

He got another hair cut this last month. I chopped it! He has a short spiky little boys hair cut. It changed the way he looked SOO much! it took me a good two days to get used to it! All his soft baby hair is gone. He is now a big boy!

Speaking of big boy. William has discovered his male parts. All of the sudden he realised there was something "down there". every time his diaper gets changed his hands go down there! (oh you gotta love boys!) He also knows what it's called, if asked where it is he will show you. So smart, such a proud mam! haha

He has become a little monkey! He climbs and climbs on everything. and if there is a box or container he can push over to something to help in his task he will figure it out and use it! The little stinker. I can't help but be impressed with his determination and abilities on the matter though.

I started William on Cows milk about a week ago. I knew I was going to do it early. I need to ween him from the boob and he HATES formula so I thought the taste of real milk would help the process, and it has. He gets nursed in the morning and at night and gets a sippy of milk through out the day. It's been working pretty well for the most part. Some times he still really wants the boob, but hes been getting better.

Sorry no pictures, I haven't been taking very many lately, I will do better and post some soon. LOVE YOU LITTLE WILLIAM! Thanks for being the best 11 month old a mama could ask for!

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