The other day before church I wanted to snapped a few photos of William, He wasn't really cooperating because we had just woke him up to get ready for church and he was hungry and wanted his milk. (you would think we have early church but nope we have church at 11:00) This kid takes after his mom and likes to sleep in!! Lets just hope this other baby gets the memo and we can continue our ritual of sleeping in every morning!

So this is the best I got, Sippy in hand, I was trying to capture his sweet tie but he wasn't letting me. haha

Mommy and William... so serious... (again he had just been woken up.)

Daddy and William.. can these two look any more alike!? Some days I really see it, and some pictures I laugh because they are SO the same! William is like a little clone of Brandon! especially in these pictures! It cracks me up!
LOVE them both so I really can't complain!
1 comment:
cant get over how serious he is!! He is always so serious, cracks me up! hahaha!
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