Thursday, January 21

funny kid

William always remembers what silly little games we play with him. When Brandon bathes William he always sticks his letters to his belly, and William will try doing the same thing. The other day he was doing it to his head. SO when I went to bathe William the other night he was trying to stick the letters to his head, it was cracking me up and Brandon came in and said oh yeah I was doing that to him the other night. too funny, he was so proud of him self when he would get them stuck on. And then he would get to the point where he couldn't even feel them and didn't know where they went.
Bath time has been so much fun with him lately, I'll say do you want to swim and kick, and he will lay on his stomach and kick his legs in the water. Or I'll say hold your breath and go under the water, and he will try to put his face in the water. It has been getting me excited to see how he will do this summer in the pool! cant wait!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

so cute. bathtime is always so fun.