Wednesday, March 24

Weekly Wednesday Update

34 weeks!

Wow 34 weeks seems a lot better then 33 weeks. It seems so much further a long then just a week more. HAHA I know I am going a little crazy here. I am starting to get pregnant brain and I start losing my train of thought all the time. It takes me forever just to tell Brandon a simple story cause I can't even focus on what I'm saying. I am going to assume that's the baby and not really me! :) The baby is supposed to be about 18 inches long and 4 and 3/4 lbs. about the size of a cantaloupe. This baby is very low and has been for about a month now. People comment on it and say you seem really low, and I say yeah I can feel him down there! There is a lot of pressure, my back hurts a lot, and my tailbone is getting some of the strain as well. I am still getting hard contractions all the time and every once in a while think what if I go early? Things are progressing normally from what I can tell? I wish I could just look in there and see how things are going! I have another doctors appointment Monday now that I am seeing him every 2 weeks. I'll let you all know how that goes next week! That's all for now.

1 comment:

cami said...

i totally agree that 34 weeks seems a whole lot farther along then 33. glad things are going good.