Saturday, July 10


Boys don't get much choice when it comes to accessorizing... Throwing on a hat is about all their options. I love hats, and love that William will wear them for the most part. Some times when it's hot he gets over it and I tell him we didn't do your hair today so we have to keep it on! haha.. If I can successfully distract him then we can get it put back on. But hes usually pretty good about it. I have put a hat on Lucas now just a couple of times and I am excited for him to get big enough to fit into more. But I do love Williams new hats, gotta love Ross! :)

(this picture is actually like a month old)
This picture cracks me up, 1. because of the face he is making! 2. because the bill on this hat is huge so he is wearing it back wards, and 3. because we have never put our boys in overalls before, William has never worn any and Lucas wouldn't have either but I found this outfit in the drawer and it had a matching hat so I put it on him! haha... Brandon was out of town or it would never have happened. Brandon is more strict then I am when it comes to what our boys can and can not wear. haha but yes I did put him in overalls the other day. It's not like infants stay in the same out fit long, I think it lasted a couple hours before he had spit up and it was off. :)


Jill Duncan said...

I love hats too!! I'm not a huge overall fan either so I know what you mean. But you're right, they only last in one outfit for so long. I've put my kids in so many outfits thinking "I hope no one stops by and sees what they are wearing". haha!!

Anonymous said...

I used to think that too Jill. With the first 2. Now its not uncommon for Jake to answer the door butt naked. Or in pajama's at 3 in the afternoon.

William is such a stud!!