Friday, August 13

3+ months

Lucas turned three months and I never did a post, so here is a 3 months plus post. I wanted to write down a few things to remember.

* He is a happy well behaved baby. Pretty low maintenance.

* He basically only cries if he is tired.

* He still sleeps like a champ! basically all through the night, (I didn't do anything to deserve this he came that way!!) (except this last week a few night he has woken up to feed once, we pretty much do that while we are sleeping though)

* He smiles a lot! He coos and goos all day long! He "talks" to us. and always reacts with a smile.

* He smiles with his eyes and often gets made fun of! (he has his mothers eyes, they are more squinty (is that a word?). and when he smiles they basically close. poor thing, but it IS adorable!)

* He loves his brother you can already tell.

* His belly button is getting better.

* He is still blond but his hair has started coming in thicker and because of that it seems darker. But He is still my Blondie baby.

* His eyes are still blue. (I think they are staying that way)

* He holds his head up really well for tummy time.

* He rolls over all the time (when I put him on his tummy, goes left and right.) As soon as I lay him down he goes over!

* He kicks and kicks and kicks when he is laying on his back. (just like William did.) I always ask him if he is running a marathon.

*He love love loves the water, bath time, showers, and especially swimming, he smiles the whole time hes in it!

* He sucks on his hands and fingers now, since he doesn't take a pacifier no matter how hard I tried I like this. I don't think it's a permanent thing though, just an age thing.

* His legs are getting more and more rolly, it's adorable.

* He has some monster big feet, takes after his daddy on that one.

He really is such a good baby and a joy to have in our home. I feel SO lucky and SO blessed that he has come to our family! How did I get so lucky to have such amazing little boys?! Love you my second born!

1 comment:

The Morrisons... said...

Wow...he already older than 3 months. Time Flies