Wednesday, June 20

how do you do it?

ok, So I have been a flight attendant for 2 years now so nothing is new when it comes to having to leave for work every week! When Brandon and I first got married I dreaded leaving for work SO much! the night before I would get sick to my stomach get anxiety, and nauseous. It has gotten better, we were getting used to it I guess. Then the last month or so I have been SOO dreading work again. I break into tears every time I have to leave! I don't want to pack I don't want to think about leaving I just cry! my husband is sooo sweet he just holds me and lets me cry. (I am a big baby lately and no I am not pregnant). I thought I was getting better, now all I want to do is stay home! I have been wanting to stay home and raise babies, whats wrong with that? I am perfectly content with just being a mom! Not that I am a mom yet! But I would like to be. I just don't know how you guys do it! (and I don't mean how do you make babies). How do you stay home with kids and afford to pay the mortgage have your husbands and your self go to school and work and still live? I have asked this question a million times and I still don't know how it's done! I cant afford to quite my job because we need two incomes to pay for everything! Mortgage, cars, insurance, phones, HOAs, utilities, School tuition and the list goes on and on... Is every one just all independently wealthy and I just don't know about it? All I want to do is stay home and be able to be a normal wife and hopefully not to long from now a normal mom too. One that doesn't have to fly out four days a week! One that can keep her house in order not always feeling like she is living out of a suitcase, one that can make diner for her husband and run errands, and do normal stuff! I feel like I am always leaving and I don't have a life. I am not reliable because who knows what my schedule is going to be? I cant hold a calling in church because I am not there very often! And my visiting teachers I am sure hate me! We have been in the ward we are in since we have been married and people think we are visitors still! That's pathetic! Anyway... I am sorry for all the venting! This has been on my mind everyday since I got married last October! If there is a secret that I don't know about let me in on it!


Michelle said...

Okay so I know we have had discussions about this but I think that lots of young couple's parents help them out a lot. Some husbands are out of school and have a good enough job that can support them but I think parents come into play just a little.

~..kass..~ said...

LOL you don't think about it so much girly. Darren has made it possible for me to not work one day outside the home for about 3 years now, yes it gets hard at times but it is going to be hard no matter when you do it in one way or another. If you were to go to work and put your babies in a daycare ( we have would have no other option) it would cost you about your paycheck so it never seemed smart for us. I sale on Ebay and can make a pretty good little stash. Anyways these are just my views on things I may be wrong I don't know LOL

Jessica said...

No secrets. Just student loans. I wish I could say we were independently wealthy or that our parents paid for us to survive, but it is just not that way. We did all we could to make it through undergrad without loans (I worked) but once Damon was accepted to grad school we had to survive somehow. I like to think of it as a means to an end. We have to suck it up and be thrifty for four years or more and then it will all pay off. I don't get to shop a lot and our stuff isn't super nice, but having a family is worth it. (I didn't mean for this to be a novel)

Emily Blais said...

Can we say STUDENT LOANS. They freakin suck, but I am right there with you Heather. I don't understand how people at our stage in life can afford to not have two incomes. I have to think of it this now, or pay later. We are just paying now by supporting our husbands in school so we can afford to stay home later. I think lots of people think they have to be just like their parents right after they get married, but we have to pay a price just like they did. I get so frustrated with people like you are talking about too, because I am working my but off in school full time and working almost full time, and we still cant pay all the bills. I chose to not get help from our parents because I would like to do it on my own...I am thrifty :) It really sucks, so I guess what I am trying to say, is hang in there and know that you are NOT alone in feeling this way!! Call me and we could have a GREAT vent session on this very subject!

Emily Blais said...

now that was the just got me thinking about it, and I hate it too...I wish I could stay home with a baby too!

Jessica said...

I hope I didn't strike a bad chord. I didn't mean to sound like how we did it is how it has to be done. I just kind of got pregnant, so we had to make it work. It is hard, but it is my life :)