Friday, June 22


So I have been a little ornery lately and I don't really have any real reason to be like this, So first off I want to apologize for my last post! You know when you just start to type and you are venting and you don't stop typing until it is all out of your system!? Well that's what I did. That is why people have journals! Why do I feel the need to make my mood swings public knowledge and post them for the world to see? I don't know? I am still learning. After I posted my last post I instantly regretted it. I am usually pretty private abut my personal feelings and problems. haha.. so sorry to all of you that had to read it. Unfortunately I cant promise that it wont happen again. Ha ha!


Camie said...

I didn't get a chance to comment on your last post, but don't being saying sorry about it. Thats whats so great about this whole blogging thing, its yours to do what you want with it. I think we all have times when we need a good venting session.

Jocelyn said...

Heather this is why I love blogging! We can all say what we want! and someone is gonna comment back and give you some great insight! That person would NOT be me on this particular post....Haha! I wish I could give you some good advice, but obviously I haven't been through that yet! But rest assured I know of a million newlywed couples that go through the EXACT same thing!

Emily Blais said...

DONT be sorry! I think everyone feels that way from time to time! Seriously...I was glad to read it that day because I was having similar feelings and it helped just reading that someone else on the planet felt the same as I did...It actually helped. I am the one who vented on your post! Sorry!! You are the best heather!