Wednesday, January 12

lucas {8 months}

I am past due for this post, and I have been composing it in my head for the past two weeks or so! I don't want to just skip this month because it was a very big month for Lucas!  I would totally regret it,  and I love looking back at William's monthly posts to see what he did and when. So here goes

{In month 7}

* Lucas pulled him self up to a standing position for the first time. (it was in his crib)
* He started army crawling.
* He started saying mama.
* He got his first tooth.
* He participated in his first Christmas. :)
* He learned how to clap his hands. and does it all the time.
* I started actually feeding him a lot more solids. (instead of just nursing)  I was pretty bad at it before, he likes his fruits now. and is a good eater.
* He still nurses a lot.
* He can drink apple juice out of a sippy cup now.
* He bounces really well in the jumperoo.
* He plays well with his toys.
* He is very entertained from his brother, you can just tell how much he adores him.
* He slept through the night until he was about 6 months old, and now isn't! I really want to sleep train him but the fact that all 4 of us share a room doesn't make it the easiest fix.  I have been letting him cry it out for his naps though and some days he does pretty good, others not as much.
* He is so much fun laughs and smiles a lot and is generally pretty well natured.
* His mo hawk is getting super tall these days, and He probably needs his first hair cut. everyone comments on his hair, the color, the length
* He doesn't really spit up anymore like he used to.
* His skin isn't as sensitive as it was when he was first born either. I guess he just kind of out grew it.


Trask Tribe said...

The cutest, chubby face, squinty eye baby ever!

Elisha Trask said...

What a stud!!! can't believe he is 8 months!!!