Saturday, September 20

Top Ten!

Here are the top ten things I will NOT miss about being pregnant!! (in no particular order, I hate them all pretty equally!)

1. Throwing up! (I can't just throw up I have to pee every single time I throw up! this puts the fear into me that I can only throw up at home where I have a bowl right next to every toilet!)

2. 24/7 Nausea! (the meds I am taking are finally working and my body tells me if I have gone too long with out taking one but I am so sick of the feeling like I am going to throw up every second!)

One and two were so similar I had to throw in another one!

2.5 PILLS! (I am so sick of taking pills, I take two right when I wake up and three right when I go to bed, and I take something for heartburn several times through out the day! it seems like every time I go to Wal-mart I am going to the pharmacy for something! I am sick of paying for pills/prescriptions and the simple fact that my body needs them to cope! I hate having to rely on them so much!)

3. Leg cramps/charlie Horse (I especially hate the ones that shoot you up in the middle of the night, and you feel like you are going to die before the cramp goes away! oh! I so miss stretching! I cant stretch with out getting a charlie horse! I cant wait to stretch again!

4. Killer Heart Burn! (I take stuff for this, like Maalox max or something equally tasteful, and I swear it doesn't ever really do anything. I feel like there is a knife going through me! The burning feeling is horrible! There is so much pressure I feel like I can't ever breath or catch my breath!)

5. Horrible Sex! :( Brandon and I have never had to work hard at this to make it amazing and now it is like an uphill battle! The baby is SO in the way and it is SO not fun anymore! (any helpful hints or suggestions are greatly appreciated! I'm serious... you can e-mail me if you don't want to leave me a comment!)

6. Peeing!! OK I feel like I don't even have a bladder anymore! If I drink something it will be needed to come out in a little while because there is no "holding tank" for it anymore!

7. Waking up in the middle of the night to pee!! (I have to get up 4 or 5 different times! That is ridiculous! imagine to your self setting your alarm 4 or 5 different times in the night, getting up walking to the bathroom, peeing, washing your hands, and stumbling back to bed and trying to go back to sleep every time! yeah it sucks!

8. Simply not being able to sleep at night! (this was something I never had a hard time with before I got pregnant and as soon as I conceived my body stopped being able to do this! It has a little something to do with # 7 but still! I sleep with like 8 pillows in various positions around me trying to find the ultimate sleeping position! I cant sleep on my back they say that's bad, Heaven forbid I sleep on my stomach! and my sides are getting kinda sore.

again six, seven and eight were so similar.. I needed another one!

8.5 PAINS... (I know this is a very broad one... but does anyone else hurt all the time? from kicks and stuff? This guy kicks so hard and so much that it is past the point of being cute or fun! he has been doing this new kick the last couple of weeks that is really low and way on the side, like really close to my hip bone, there is no stretchy skin over there! it hurts so bad when he puts his foot over there! I also have been getting contractions from about week 24! They hurt so bad it's kinda like they take my breath away! of coarse they don't last long but they are annoying non the less! :(

9. My body! (OK I know I was looking forward to being pregnant and looking pregnant and I thought I would love it! haha.. OK I will admit I was wrong, I can't do anything like I used to, playing any type of sport is hilarious! I have tried playing basketball, golf, ping pong, anything that I have to simply throw a ball, it is all so hard! my body doesn't work like it used to! It is hard to come to the realization that I can't do something well that I used to be able to do well. (well at least I thought I could)

10. Being Tired! I am such a party pooper, my husband laughs at me when I sleep in way late, take a nap and am ready for bed at 9:00 pm. not to mention I can't go up a flight of stairs with out feeling like I am going to kill over and die! walking too fast gets me too! HA HA walking to fast and I am winded? I can't believe how tired I am all the time!

Oh my gosh I hit ten way too fast! I could have totally kept going and going! I know this seems like I am a HUGE complainer and well frankly you would be right! I am so sick of my self complaining! I can't imagine how my husband feels!

I just don't understand the women that say I LOVE BEING PREGNANT! really? what do you LOVE about it? I have even herd on different occasions from husbands that say I LOVE when my wife is pregnant! REALLY? What do they love about it? The boobs!, it's gotta be the boobs! That is the only plus I can see? HA HA... OK I am sorry this post has been SO negative! I will be doing a post soon to remind you all that I am actually a positive person and I am not always such a downer! :)

On a better note I am now 33 weeks, just 7 more to go! ha that seems like forever right now! :)


Emily Blais said...

okay, you have just described my pregnancy to a tee. I am so sorry, but I fell your pain. I HATE people who "love to be pregnant" Its bull. lol. Hang in there, and I will too :) hopefully it will all be worth it when our little boys COME OUT!!! Amen to your top 10!!

Jessica said...

Yeah it is a little rough. Fortunately you forget how miserable you were by the time you get ready to have the next one. I know you are thinking to yourself "I will never forget", but here I am with #3 on the way and I think if I had rememberrf how uncomfortable I would be, I definitely wouldn't have done it again. So I guess the forgetting can be a blessing or there would be a whole lot less children in the world.

~..kass..~ said...

You are so funny, The leg pains in the middle of the night SUCK!!! I do not miss that. And I hate to add this to you list but you still have a bit a to go and that baby boy has to get bigger so get ready to add a few to this list. Us girls have to put up with a lot of crap, guys have it too easy!

Jill Duncan said...

Ditto to everything you just said! I hate being pregnant too, and don't understand those people that love it. Your post reminds me that I am SO not ready to get pregnant again anytime soon! People say you forget- well I have not forgotten yet! The charlie horses are the WORST- and sorry to say this, but your boobs will NEVER be the same again! :( On a happier not, when you hold your little baby boy it is all worth it!! :)

Kevin and Hayres said...

Well, I've never been pregnant but hey as you said, you only have 7 more weeks to go! If you're lucky it might even be sooner... like 6 1/2... :)


I also don't get people who love being pregnant, being invaded and sick, what??? I loved that it was totally how I felt!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Do you have any idea how many people would give everything to be in your shoes? I am amazed that you find the miracle you have received to be such a burden. I understand that it is physically uncomfortable, but for heaven's sake, take a step back and think about what you are saying!

Kevin, Kelsey and Annalise.... said...

You crack me up! But all of those things are very true. You will have little Will out soon enough, just hold on to you pants for these next few weeks, because the last month is the worst!

L4GWTW said...

Heather I have to agree the nausea is th worst. I understand that. Also the not sleeping is Heavenly Father's way of preparing you for a newborn that will be getting up evrery few hours in the night.That is my opinion of course. It will be over soon enough and then you will want to do it again in a few years!