Saturday, October 2

Grandma Stott

Brandon's mom and sister came to town for about 24 hours last week. It was fun to have them here and hang out even if it was super quick! Kelsey (Brandon's sister) was the one that was due the same day as me and we had little boys just two weeks apart. Jonah and Lucas still look a lot alike, its always fun to get them together and compare! love that little guy so much! I wish they lived closer and we could see them more often!
Brandon's mom with her latest grandchildren I think they are numbers 8 and 9? but I could be wrong.


Trask Tribe said...

wow twinner BLUE eyes.

Michelle said...

They do look a lot alike but I can still tell which one is yours cause he looks just like william.

Kevin, Kelsey and Annalise.... said...

That is such a cute picture.....I so wish that I was closer too, the boys would have a lot of fun together.