Monday, May 14

recent stuff

my sisters and mom and brother all got strawberries to make jam with a couple weeks ago. I think it was over 20 flats. I personally got three flats, that sounds like a lot but I don't think it will last as long as I was hoping! it's just too delicious, and we use it on everything! :)

Thanks to my sister in laws mom for helping me out this year and making most of ours! haha

Lucas turned two last week! he will get his own post hopefully soon. I am slacking...

To say William is obsessed with his sister may be an understatement. He holders her like this all the time. it's like a little baby sitter. I'll set them up on the chair turn a little music on for them and check on them occasionally it helps me get something done real quick and it's so sweet to let them have a little bonding moment together.

1 comment:

Trask Tribe said...

Random thought. Williams obsession may be due to the fact that they were suppose to be twins but came to earth at different times. Cuz they sure could pass as identical twins, just a few years apart. Bonus thought, can you imagine how nice it will be when he can actually babysit for you!