Tuesday, May 19

a sunday stroll

We were at Steve-o and Sarah's house the other night when we decided to take a little Sunday stroll, they have a walking path next to their house that goes parallel to the river. I know it looks like it's midnight but it actually was kinda light out side but all the pictures look like it is so late! While the boys were being boys and trying to see who could skip their rock the most down the river the girls were being girls and taking pictures of sweet baby will. He was having a good time just hanging out in his stroller. His little smile just kills me! He has been so smiley lately I love it! except when he is teething! that's not so fun! notice in one of the pictures he is gnawing on one of his fingers, yeah he does that constantly these days!


Candace said...

Heather - I love his smile! That hat is very cute as well. How did you do that format with the pictures (i.e., the squares and writing?)?

Anonymous said...

I love him

Kevin, Kelsey and Annalise.... said...

Liar! You are on a midnight stroll, admit it.
I am just kidding.
But seeing those pictures made me think of how light it is here where mom and dad live. The sun is out way past nine and it kind of freaks me out. But Annalise loves it because she has been staying up later this week. They spoil her without even trying!

I love both of you in your cute hats, I remember when Brandon practically lived with a hat on (maybe he slept with them on too), so maybe William will be the same way. Too cute!

~..kass..~ said...

He is just adorable! It cracks me up how much he looks like his daddy!!!