Wednesday, April 14

Weekly Wednesday Update

37 weeks! (only 3 more weeks to go)

Things are progressing right a long. I had my 36 week appointment last Friday (so 5 days ago) and I got checked for the first time. I was dilated 2 cm. and 50% thinned. I was happy to here of some progress! I know this may mean absolutely nothing and I could still go over due but I was happy non the less.

I have another appointment for my 37 week check up tomorrow! I am hoping for the best and that I am still progressing, dilated further and thinned even more.

Wishful thinking I know but who knows? It could happen.

I know it's still early but with my brothers wedding on the 24th I would love to have this baby this weekend! HA HA is that too much to ask? can't I just pick a day and say lets make it happen? oh how I wish that could be the case. :)

according to baby center the baby is considered full term, weighing in at 6 & 1/3 lbs. and a bit over 19 inches long. and his lungs are fully developed now. I say hes good to go! :)

I'll let you know what happens at my appointment tomorrow.


Mills Family said...

Sister, I would like to make a very special request. Please, please PLEASE have him late Wed night. That would be the 21st. I fly in at 9:14 so, if you had him at 9:30-10:00? That would be perfect. Then I could just drive straight there from the airport! Try with all your might ok? THANKS!!!! Can't wait to be home! :)

Trask Tribe said...

I think you ought to consider late, late, saturday night after the wedding and before Mallory goes back to Chicago. That way we could accomadate everyone. Are you listening Lucas?!

Anonymous said...

So exciting! I didn't see your last post, you look great! I just want to rub that belly. And kiss William. Can't wait to see you all. Hang in there! He is almost here!

Anonymous said...

So exciting! I didn't see your last post, you look great! I just want to rub that belly. And kiss William. Can't wait to see you all. Hang in there! He is almost here!

Kevin, Kelsey and Annalise.... said...

I think it would be a little nice to be able to choose when to have the baby....for instance, it would be really nice if I could have my baby this weekend because Kevin's schedule is free, and it is the weekend......if only!

Too bad at my appointment the doctor said "yeah, your not even close."