Tuesday, October 7

2 years!

So today is my anniversary! It seems like I have been married for a lot longer then that, but in a good way! It's weird to me I have only been married for two years but I can't remember what my life was like before I got married! I love being married! I love my husband! I am such a lucky women! Brandon is THE BEST husband, and there is no doubt in my mind that he is going to be THE BEST father! It seems like a life time ago! This was right after we came out of the temple as husband and wife.

This picture is probably a year and a half old. When we went on a hike with the family.

This is Beckham giving Brandon loves. (It was the most recent picture I had of Brandon it's only a couple weeks old.)
Thanks babe for the last two years! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I am so excited for the next couple years. I am so grateful for the blessings of the temple and the chance we have to live with our families forever!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Love you guys. :)

Camie said...

Reflecting is so great...but looking and thinking ahead is even better.