Sunday, October 23

15 weeks

I was 15 weeks as of yesterday.  According to baby center the baby is the size of an apple.  We have an appointment on Tuesday to find out the sex.  I am so nervous it's going to be too early and I am going to get a "yea it's probably that" I want to be sure 100%. We are super excited to find out what we are having. I am still super sick and puke all the time.  This week has been rough and I have been puking up my breakfast and lunch most days. I am ready to start having some better days.  I hope it happens sooner then later.  With my past pregnancy's I usually start to get a little relief about 20-22 weeks and then I start to have a few good days scatted amongst the bad days. we'll see what happens with this one.  I'll let you know our results on Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

So cute

Aubrey said...

You look darling!! Can't wait to hear what you are getting! Love that dress and the purple tie.