Saturday, June 13

More Baby Sitting

So last week when I was watching Troy I put him in William's jumperoo... he didn't know exactly what to do and William thought it was so funny as soon as I put him in there he looked over at him and laughed, it was so funny. So I put Will on his little scooter thing and sat him in front of Troy. He was trying to show him how to jump, and play with the toys. It was so cute I had to document it for Troy's mama to see when she got home.


Trask Tribe said...

Look, little Will is a Big brother already. Bet he hates that the car doesn't bounce when he jumps up and down on it.

Kevin, Kelsey and Annalise.... said...

That is too cute, he is going to be a good big brother some day!!!

Candace said...

Isn't funny how once they get to jumping in the jumperoo that they transfer that skill to whatever they may be sitting on or in? So cute!

Lauren said...

How CUTE!! I hope my son is as cute as yours! ;) hee hee love his eagerness to show Troy "how to do it." ;)