Wednesday, February 29

Lucas the big boy....

 This is how you will find Lucas these days....
(I should have gotten a picture where he was wearing little briefs... his butt is so tiny I cant help but squeeze it.)

Unless he looks like this....

I picked up this costume a year or more ago at a garage sale its like a size 7 or something and my boys have to wear it all the time!

He'll be two at the END of April. April 29th. He is so little and he is a rock star! I can not take any credit for the way my boys are sometimes! Lucas pretty much potty trained himself. He refused to wear anything but undies on Thursday morning when he woke up so I let him. then again on Friday as well! I told Brandon I guess we are actually doing this! He has been awesome! He had a couple accidents the first two days, and nothing since. He went to church in his undies on Sunday and all Monday he was fine as well. So I think it's safe to say he is potty trained!? I have been dreading this post, because I'm sure as soon as I post it he'll digress or something. I don't want to jinx my self but he continues to do so well! We have gone on a few outing, including walmart today. He tells me when he needs to go potty. He is obsessed with undies and hates when he has to wear clothes that cover them up. He likes to change his undies several times a day so he can wear a newer cooler pair that are sitting in his drawer. So my son is obsessed with shoes and undies and is often found with just both of those things on. A pair of boots and undies, or any kind of shoe for that matter. I hope he continues to surprise us and do well! I am still putting diapers on him at night when he goes to sleep, but the past two mornings has woken up dry and told me he needed to go potty. for his naps he does fine too! It's crazy to me! I realise he is not normal, and again I can not take credit for it as much as Id like to think I have something to do with it. ha! love my little man!


Trask Tribe said...

Fine, I'll take credit for the doorbell kid!

Mills Family said...

hahahah oh my gosh! He looks so fat in that last picture!! hahah love this kid!

Anonymous said...

love it