Saturday, April 16


I said I was going to start taking more pictures, even if it meant I was going to use my on camera flash, (I know a few of you may cringe.) This was the other night after bath and pajamas. 
He has been teething a lot lately which means two things, 1. he cant chomp on his fingers hard enough!  and 2. he is drooling like a saint bernard but he is still a fun little guy! love you my little Deuteronomy.
again unedited straight from the camera.

love his baby blues, and yes he has had a hair cut since these pictures were taken, that will be my next post.


Julianna said...

i wasn't going to leave a mean comment about his hair. why don't my random night pictures ever turn out good? these are darling. I am sooooo excited for you to take pictures of ruby!!!!! then i'll have some good ones.

Ellie said...

ahhahahahahhahahha..... a few of you.... hahahhahahhaha..... Heather... I'm not cringing! Your son is adorable and that makes up for the dreaded on camera flash! Any picture is better than no picture! Love ya!


he has such a cute personality, I can tell. what a cutie!

Kevin, Kelsey and Annalise.... said...

I am so behind on your blog! Lucas is so stinking cute! Can you believe they are already turning one? I love your party cute!

And I can't believe you are already cutting his hair...Jonah still has a bout the same amount as he did before, which is like nothing. I can't wait to see the cousins all together again!