Friday, February 5

cracks me up

The other day William was in his room playing with "Mr. potato head" and he came walking into my room looking like this! I hurried and grabbed my camera.HA HA totally cracked me up!

He cracks me up at least once a day. Like the other 90% of him, I think he ALSO gets this from his dad! LOVE IT!


Anonymous said...

Soooo cute!
And seriously... poop in the toilet??? That made in a bad mood. Stinkin Jake

Michelle said...

That is really funny. He is such a cute kid!

Trask Tribe said...

He is not only sooo cute, he truely is Hilarious! You only have to spend a few minutes with him to see that. And he doesn't even know that we are all enjoying it so much, cause it just all comes natural to him.